Kumar was not of an affluent family. He was a Tamilian and his father worked as a manager in a Public Sector bank.
Mohan was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his father was a Gujarati business man.
They were born in the same year with Kumar older by a few months.
They studied together in the same nursery, and later at St. Aloysius School in Andheri.
They stayed very near each other's residence;
Mohan, who went to school in a car, would pick up Kumar on the way to school and likewise drop him at his home, while returning from school.
At school, they sat near each other at the same bench; after school, they would play together.
They would also study together, with Kumar going to Mohan's place for studies.
So much so that Mohan would ask his mother, when young: "Mummy can Kumar eat and sleep here?"
"No, no beta" she would reply, "Kumar has to go home now".
At school, the teachers would call them as Inseparables, while the other boys in class would call them as "Raam and Shyaam", the Corsican Brothers etc.
Kumar was the cleverer and more hard working of the two;
Mohan would often go to Kumar for any doubts in his studies, and Kumar would readily explain and solve Mohan's problems.
Their friendship continued up to the final year in school.
The Board exam results showed that both had done well;
Kumar, because of his hard work ; but Mohan had made up a lot of ground thanks to tuition classes and private tutoring.
Mohan asked Kumar what he planned to do next;
"Don't know," replied Kumar: "I have to ask my father".
"Same here" replied Mohan.
"Kumar, "You have done very well in your exams," said his father, "but son , I am due to retire in a few year's time and our savings would just be sufficient to get your sister Radha married.Therefore, I would like you to take up a short Computer or Secretarial Course,so that you can find some employment within a short period."
Mohan's father told his son : "Congratulations! You have got admission at Carnegie Institute, in U S A for a Degree Course in Business Adminstration and you have to leave in July."
* * * * * * * * *

Kumar was employed as the Secretary to the C E O of a reputed Private Limit ed Company. He was married to Parvati and they had a son Ramesh, who was studying in the Higher Secondary Section of a private school.
One day,the C E O called Kumar in, for dictation; During, their work, the C E O told him that from tomorrow, the Company will have a new C E O, as he is going to join the Board.
"Oh!" said Kumar, "and who is it going to be Sir?" he asked.
"You will know tomorrow," replied the C E O, "but please arrange for a bouquet to be presented to the new C E O .
and keep this news confidential."
The day arrived, and during the meeting the C E O announced what he had told Kumar earlier:
"We also welcome into our Company, Mr. Mohan Shah as our new C E O!"
Oh!"he said. Kumar was shocked, astonished and flabbergasted, to see his friend and buddy accept the bouquet from his hands.
His first reaction was to hug Mohan, but protocol demanded that he keep his emotions under control. He took Mohan to his new cabin.
"Mohan," he began, but Mohan cut him short; he kept a blank face and said "Let me settle down here; I will call you later."
Kumar found this strange; surely, years of work abroad, and a U S degree wont come in the way of childhood friendship, he thought. 'Maybe once Mohan settles down, he will remember me'
But that was not to be! Friendship was forgotten and Mohan's talk with Kumar was always on their work in the office.
By now, Kumar was getting exasperated;
The mere sight of Mohan made his blood boil.
He wanted to get away from it all.
'Why not quit and seek a new job elsewhere?' he thought.
That night, he talked to Parvati and told her of his impending decision.
"Dear, don't be rash," she said, "We have to think of Ramesh and we don't have a decent bank balance."
But Kumar could not get over his problem. The sight of Mohan looking at him with a blank face, in the office haunted him;
He went to the temple Deity.'I have never asked anything from you so far in life, I don't bear any hatred to Mohan, but why does he not respond to our childhood friendship? Is this fair? Why is life and fate treating me in this way? Please help me, help me!!' he begged of God.
* * * * * * * * *
There was an annual meeting of the Company and the staff was requested to attend.
The Managing Director of the Company presided and addressed the meeting.
"Our Company's performance, this year has been excellent. I thank the staff for the work they have put in. I also want to announce the promotion of Mr. Mohan Shah as joint Managing Director. Henceforth, Mr Shah will be located at the Company H O in Nariman Point!"
This sounded as sweet music to Kumar's ears. While, he bore no hatred to Mohan, he would not see his blank ungrateful face anymore !
'God had listened to his pleadings, and his blood would no longer boil!'
Kumar bought a box of sweets and took it home;
"I don't have to see him anymore," he told Parvati, "Mohan is promoted and transferred to Head Office."
The next day, during office hours, Kumar received a call from the Personnel Manager [P M]: "Can you come and see me for a moment, Kumar," the P M said.
Kumar went and saw the P M.
"Please sit down Kumar, he said: "The Company, in recognition of your services is pleased to promote you; You are now in the Management Cadre, designated as Office Manager, ; You are transferred to H O and will report directly to Mr Mohan Shah; There will be a substantial increase in your pay packet. My Congratulations, Mr Kumar"
Kumar's face fell at the thought of seeing Mohan again.
"What, aren't you happy at the news?" asked the P M .
"Can you give me sometime before I give my decision Sir?" replied Kumar.
"Well tell me by tomorrow," told the P M.
He told Parvati about it on returning home;
Parvati was all for taking up the new assignment.
"But Parvati, my blood boils when I see Mohan" _ shouted Kumar.
Look dear, you have to see him only for six hours a day; the remaining time you belong to me!",she said, "and besides, with the additional money, we can make plans to send Ramesh abroad for his higher studies!"
'Ramesh, Ramesh', thought Kumar; he would do anything for his son; even seeing Mohan, day in and day out !!
G Venkatesh
In life, never expect any favors from any one even if they are near & dear to you ! thats the harsh reality !