Location : Mexico
The writer wishes to state that any resemblance of people living or dead to the .characters of this story is purely accidental or coincidental

Marissa Pavan was the new Police Commissioner of Juarez city In Mexico.
Juarez, located along the U S border state of Texas, is wide ly regarded as one of the most notorious cities in the world. Juarez is known for widespread trafficking of drugs, gang wars, prostitution and rapes;
The women in this notorious city were far from safe, as rapes were common and went unpunished. The city's corporators were all corrupt and patronized its drug gangs as they were dependent on them for their finances.
Marissa accepted the job after it fell vacant as the incumbent Police Commissioner died of a heart attack ;
There were other candidates too, but all declined the offer, knowing fully well that it was a very hot seat to occupy ! It was a sad tale to narrate that the Police Com missioner died because his own daughter Lara was raped by the leader of one of the city's drug gangs CLAUDIO GONSALVES!, and the commissioner could not bear the shock and shame the incident created. Now Claudio was in the central jail of Juarez;
But the city knew it is only a matter of days before Claudio would walk free again ! as the latter had the support of many politicians of Juarez.
Marissa Pawan was a worried woman. She knew she had a hot seat job; It will not be long before she gets a call from her bosses , to release Claudio;
The phone rang;
"Hello "said Marissa in a stern voice;
It was from her deputy Lopes ;
"Madam" said Lopes, "Both Cyril and Richard are missing."
"Damn you", said Marissa; "Go and find out what happen ed, take as many men as you like", Marissa barked on the phone and I want the answer before you go to bed under stand !"
Cyril was the prime witness in the Lara case against Clau dio, and Richard was the guard, Marissa had kept to guard him;
Then came a hot line call from her boss ,"Marissa when can we start the trial?"
Marissa dare not tell him that the prime witness is missi ng! Give me three days Sir", she replied.
"Ok, but dont botch up the case", the boss replied.
Claudio Gonsalves, the name & face brought Marissa's blood to boil! She wished she could gouge his eyes or shoot him dead in cold blood ! or better still do some thing different !
but she had a career in the police and she knew if she spent 2 years here successfully , she would get a huge
Her thoughts turned to Claudio , a person she had known since school days; a handsome brute of a bully; the man who brutalized her best friend Gabriella while in school.
But Claudio was just rusticated from school and thrown out by his family.
While Marissa was making her career in the police force, Claudio had turned into a notorious drug peddler and smuggler, and more importantly a rapist, who always got away scotfree because of his huge connections.
His modus operandi was simple ; rape a woman at a desolate location, with the help of his gang and then buy over or kill the eye witnesses.
This is what he did to the Baroness Clara as her driver Montfort, roped in as the key witness, turned hostile in
court and alleged that the baroness simply fell for Claudios's charms.
But the present case was different as Marissa had made sure that the key witness Cyril was well protected .
The phone rang and it was Lopes her deputy again ;
"Madam , he said in a meek, apolegetic drawl; both Cyril & Richard are dead."
"What!" said Marissa.
"Yes, Madam they have been shot in custody".
Marissa's world came crumbling down before her.
'What will Juarez think of the police and the commission er now! Imagine, your prime witness,shot dead , in police custody!'
'Every citizen will now know that it was an inside job ! It now looked like in Juarez,Claudio, could get away , doing whatever he pleased!'
Marissa felt that something must be done to stop Claudio even if its outside the law!
'Shoot the dog dead at point blank range; but it would mean, Claudio does not suffer any pain, and her career
was over and she had to spend time in jail and her best friends,who were raped, were not fully vindicated....'
'No it has to be something different! but she did not have much time to do it as her boss wanted some action in 3 days!
The entire night, Marissa spent on ways to deal with Clau dio. She came to the conclusion that she had to sacrifice her career as the law could not effectively punish Clau dio.
In the early morning , she rang up her friend, Doctor Sen deros ,and asked him to to come to the police station.
Marissa asked her deputy to go and keep Claudio in a seperate cell.
After some time Marissa dressed herself provocatively , with the front buttons open, to expose her cleavage partially.
She walked into the cell, where Claudio was in;
"Oh, Marissa, my darling, my honey!", said Claudio. "I know why you have come, I loved you, Marissa, from our school days, and if we had remained friends, I would have married you and we could have had many children!"
"Oh Claudio, how sweet of you!" Marissa cooed back and advanced seductively towards Claudio, daring him to make the first move.
Claudio falling for the bait, lunged towards Marissa ;
Marissa welcomed him with open arms.
They both hugged and kissed each other passionately.
This aroused Claudio and he fell and dragged Marissa to the ground with he, on top of her.
Marissa put her arms around him to put him at ease.
At an opportune moment, Marissa caught him by surprise, and came out of his embrace and cut off his genitals with a knife concealed in her person.
"Aaaaaa...." shrieked Claudio, in unbearable pain.
Dr. Senderos and his team rushed in to attend to Claudio, while Marissa, showed the bleeding genitals to Claudio and told him "This is revenge for Lara and Gabriella" and threw it in the cinder.
Later Marissa rang up her boss ;
" Please come, and arrest me, Sir," she said.
"Are you crazy Marissa?" he asked
No Sir, and recounted, the entire incident to him;
While Marissa was removed from her duties, the women folk of Juarez were happy and relieved that they no long er had to suffer from Claudio. It also served as a severe deterrent to would be rapists in the city
If anybody thinks men dont get raped, they are grossly mistaken !