Vishnu: Welcome Yamraaj I sent for you; of late there are a lot of complaints against you from the Universe. Mother Earth in particular.
Yamraaj: Must be from that country India , I suppose;
Vishnu: Thats right; Whats your problem ? Are you feeling the stress? Tell me Yamraaj; well look at this case; ; There is this Puroshattam Ranchoddas from Rajasthan . He has been pleading with you for the last 2 years, to take him away from Earth! and you have not obliged him.!
Yamraaj: Sir, I know this case well; Everytime I get ready to take him, his children give him some injection to keep him alive .
Vishnu: Oh I did not know that; but why Yamraaj ?
Yamraaj: Sir, this man is very rich ! His children do not want to pay additional taxes, when they will inherit his wealth; as the tax authorities are already investigating their cases for tax evasion!
Vishnu: Oh ! look at this one Yamraaj; Sonadri Rao from Goa, complains that you almost took him away, even when he was alive ! Whats your explanation this time ?
Yamraaj: Sir this is the reverse case; The poor man was drugged by his children ; they made him unconscious, got a death certificate by bribing the doctor and took him to the crematorium; but luckily, he regained consciousness before his body was pushed into the kiln!
Vishnu: Terrible!! but why Yamraaj?
Yamraaj: Simple, sir, They wanted immediate possession of his wealth !
Vishnu: I have a third case , where it seems you are taking away the Creator's authority! Here one Puttukodi Velammal from Tirunelveli,is complaining that you took her away before her birth ! You cant do this Yamraaj!
Yamraaj: Sir this is very common in the villages of India; If its going to be a girl child the foetus is aborted ! as they do not have the wealth to bring up a girl child as dowry is involved for her marriage!
Vishnu: Oh my God ! Whats that part of the world coming to!???
Yamraaj: Its high time you took another avatar Sir, and descended on Earth!
G Venkatesh
Hard realities of life brought out in a light-hearted manner!