Teacher par excellance

I studied in a missionary school; It was the start of a new academic year, and I was in Std V;
I think in Std V, the children start growing up to be boys.
The cane gives way to words of advice or rebuke from the teacher.
The class was abuzz with each gossipping with his bench mate as to how he spent his long vacation.
In walked the Father;
He briefly introduced himself and stated he would be the class teacher for the year.
Then he turned his back to the class, towards the blackboard.
When the chatting in the class among the boys resumed.
The Father turned towards the class; instead of scolding the boys, he smiled and stated _
"Well all of you have interesting stories to tell about your vacation, who will be the first to speak ?"
Immediately a flurry of hands went up.
The entire period was spent in the boys telling the class their experiences in vacation;
and this endeared the class to the Father.
Not that he was lenient to the boys; he was strict, where required;
The text book lessons, he taught us where always supplemented by his personal experiences in life;
he discouraged "byhearting" or rote learning;
rather he wanted the students to understand and write the answers in their own words.
He also encouraged class participation as I learnt to my bitter cost !
For sometime my father was observing my performance in the class;
One day while signing my report card, he asked me bluntly, as to why I didn't get the first rank in the class;
I was taken aback , for I was a laid back boy then, who studied only just before the exams !
Anyway I decided to surprise my father;
in the next exam. I studied hard and sure enough I got the most number of total marks in the class;
but alas ! when the marks were written in my reporting card, I found the marks reduced substantially!
When I spoke to the Father about it, he told me that my class participation and discussion was below par and he had to deduct marks;
I dare not tell it to my father for obvious reasons;
thus my father's scolding became more severe.
Once again I studied hard for the next exam;
this time I took care to be more active in the class room discussions;
but as bad luck would have it I did not do well in the written exam;
The boy who usually stands first, got more total marks than I.
I was resigned to another scolding from my father;
but lo and behold !
Father Murphy had increased my total marks substantially and I stood first in the class for the first time !
The Father was also a keen sportsman and he would play with us, after school hours in any sport.
All in school respected and liked the Father.
Many years later, after I graduated from school, I learnt that the Father passed away while on duty!
May his soul rest in eternal peace!
ReplyDeleteTeachers like Fr. Murphy are hard to come by ! May his soul rest in peace !