I joined The National Cadet Corps [ N C C ] when I was in college.
N C C imparted military training to college students; We were given training in the use of fire arms.
Then there was training in marching, with or without firearms.
Attendance was on weekends and it was compulsory.
During training , you were treated almost like a soldier;
No pussyfooting, and if one committed errors , you were shouted at with the choicest abuses [shouting more severe , the higher the command] with the usual four letter words associated with the army.
The head of the corps was a colonel in the army. I have not seen him, but from what I heard about him, he was a stern man always with a scowl on his face, while on duty.
Once, we were taken to a firing range , to shoot using sten guns.
WE were told to be smart in our appearance as the colonel would be present to witness the event.
During the drill, the colonel showed up and we were presented to him as a guard of honour.
The colonel went about his inspection. He passed snide caustic remarks at each one before me.
Finally it was my turn to be looked upon;
He saw me from head to toe; " You f***ing c*** you have a one week beard on your face; You have not ironed your clothes, and your bl***y shoes are not polished " he barked at me !
For a moment, I was stunned to hear him, [ after all my efforts to be smart] and my hand involuntarily pointed the gun at him!
"Hey, what are you doing , your gun is pointing towards me , put down the gun " The colonel barked again ;
I quickly came back to my senses !!
Later I was pardoned, and the incident was not reported.
The army believes there is nothing called perfection and every one has to strive to get there !!.
HAHA that was a good one