Many would dispute this saying, thinking it is totally unfounded, but not the average elder. As one gets on with age, its not the wealth, but health, that's the biggest source of worry.
Forget, the rich and the well to do as well as the middle class, even the poor, with their way of living have cash to go by; but when it comes to health all are found wanting.
If you talk to any elder, friend, relative or what have you, there will not be any without an health problem;
There may be some who boast , I am in perfect health, either they are fibbing or they consider their problems as too minuscule to mention.
Be that as it may, the troubles the elders go through with their health and life are far too severe than what it appears on the surface.
Prabu is the nominal head of a large middle class family. I say nominal, as all the important decisions within the family are taken by his better half, wife Pramila. Prabhu's duties are just confined to signing cheques authorised by his wife. and giving advices, which are listened to , but never followed.Prabhu suffers from a host of health problems, chief among which are a damaged knee and high BP and sugar levels;
as a result, his health, food are closely monitored by his wife; He is virtually a prisoner in his house, his wife sees to it that she accompanies him even when he goes out!!
But even with his poor health, and his wife acting like a bloodhound, Prabhu has his servant Madhu, to help him out on his vices liquor and tobacco!
His servant Madhu comes to his room;
"Madhu, light, me one", says Prabhu;
"Sahib", said Madhu, "its becoming difficult, last time Memsahib, caught me and threatened to sack me , if I pass on one cigarette to you!'
Prabhu cut him short, "Ok Ok I cant give you more than 5 Rs for a cig and now wheres the peg?" asked Prabhu.
Madhu, locked the door, and passed on to Prabhu, a small bottle;
"Sahib, drink it quickly before anybody comes," said Madhu;
Later, he told Prabhu, "Sahib, that will be Rs 200;"
"What?" shouted Prabhu, "Last time , I paid you 100";
"Yes", Sahib, said Madhu, "but its becoming increasingly difficult to smuggle " country liquor " in this house" ;
"Madhu", said Prabhu , "tell me do you want to continue to work here or lose your job; you know when I was young I could act very well , especially as a drunk ; do you want me to put on this act in front of Memsahib?"
"No Sahib, No , No", said Madhu, "give me what you please Sahib";
It was the cricket season, but Prabhu's interest in the game never flagged, but his memory certainly did. His grandson Ajit was the only other cricket enthusiast in the house.
"Ajit, I P L season is on , but I dont see some familiar faces in T V", said Prabhu.
"Like whom Thatha?" asked Ajit, The boy was mischevous, fully aware that his grandfather had a poor memory; and wanted to take full advantage of it.
Prabhu said that cricketer who was a fast bowler;
"But what's his name Thatha?"
"SRI, SRI_" muttered, Prabhoo, "I dont get his full name".
"It cannot be Srikant Thatha, he is not a fast bowler besides he is only a coach";
"Ajit, Don't play the fool with me", said Prabhu;
"Thatha , Is it Srinath?', but he is retired thatha";
"No, no", shouted Prabhu angrily;
"You mean Sriraam, but he is not in IPL and he is just a club player".
"Its OK", said Prabhu, "Next, you will tell me its not Srividya or Sri devi. If you dont want to tell me, I will ask someone else"_
"Oh, now I know whom you are referring to, Thatha?", said Ajit. "Its Sreeshant , he is under suspension Thata".
"You knew it all along Ajit, you just wanted to have some fun at my expense", said Prabhu.
His meals were generally served directly in his room, but today, Prabhu was invited to have his meals, along with other family members. Prabhu wanted to ask the family the reason for the invite.
When there was a chorus of greetings of "Happy 80th birthday, Thathaa! " from the group.
Prabhu was seated at the head of the table.
It was a veritable feast of dishes laid out at the table,but Prabhu noticed that all sweets and mouth watering savouries were placed beyond his reach;
What was in his plate, was just a bland meal, save for a small piece of laddu[ sweet].
When he looked at Pramila, she said "Dear, you know your health is poor ; Dr. Kumar has told me strictly to serve you only bland meals, with little spice & salt; The laddu is for your birthday, but the doc. has actually forbidden it."
Prabhu muttered some expletives on Dr. Kumar,
but there was no response from the family. Prabhu noticed the family 's eyes were on their food as they gorged their food; except for his grand daughter Aarti seated near him, who was busy talking on her cellphone.
The laddu on her plate was very inviting ; with one swoop of his hand, Prabhu neatly put the laddu in his mouth; and was munching it when Aarti said_
"Mummy, you have forgotten to put laddu in my plate;
"Mummy, you have forgotten to put laddu in my plate;
"No, no, Aarti, you must have eaten it; but do have another", said her mom. "Stop, talking on your phone and start eating Aarti, otherwise you will find this laddu also missing, especially with your grandfather around" said her grandmother !
Prabhu, was back in his room, and he wondered how 80 years of his life have passed;
His memory took him from his child hood to , school and college days; the films, he saw with his friends, both English and Hindi. and then to his favourite singers;
it had to be Mukesh among the males!
The thought of Mukesh, made him belt out his favourite, "Pyaar Hua Ikraar Hua "
When there was a knock and Pramila entered the room "Please dear don't sing; the neighbours always have a good laugh, when they hear you sing and remember, we also have to live here; and for God's sake, don't play your violin as then the street dogs start barking !
