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Thursday, 7 July 2016
(The characters appearing
in the below blog bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead.)
DHARAMKumar was a renowned cancer surgeon of Pune. He was well known and had a flourishing practice. He had cured many terminal cancer patients to normalcy and was regarded as a doctor with a " healing hand " ;
Dharam came from a family
of natureopaths;but Dharam had chosen to follow the allopathy route and had
specialised in cancer surgery
His son Prakash was a bright lad, and Dharam hoped that Prakash would follow in his footstepsafter his time But. Pra kash would often spend his spare time going through the ancestral books andjournals of naturopathy of his forefath ers ;
and it was no wonder that when his father asked himwhat career he wants to follow . Prakash replied that he wanted to be a naturopath;
Many years later, Prakash became a qualified naturopath; He was happily married ; His patientswere from all walks of life, as his consulting fees were nominal; Moreover he prescribed very fewmedicines, as he believed that the human body can cure itself of sicknesses, if it is given time and left alone.
His wife Sonali, looked after the house hold duties ; and mainly spent her time within the four walls of the house, and very rarely went out.
On one Sunday, she was
down with a high fever and she
informed her husband of it during lunch; she also said she had some thickness in her left breast ;
informed her husband of it during lunch; she also said she had some thickness in her left breast ;
After physically examining her, Prakash's worst fears had come true; the dreaded " C " disease had penetrated the very walls of his own house, nay his own wife; his first reaction was to inform hisdad; but then a question crept into his mind; does it mean that the scriptures of naturopathy , he practiced, has no value. what would happen to his practice if the word goes around that for his wife he had resorted to allopathy.
No, thought Prakash , he should have faith in his profession and stick to it.
Sonali looked at Prakash, and asked him "Is anything seriously wrong with me , Prakash?"
No, said Prakash bravely ; I want you to observe a fast and drink hot water only; if you feel veryhungry, eat raw fruits and boiled vegetables only. You will be alright within a few days.
Sonali followed her husband's advice to the letter.
Meanwhile, Prakash's mother Vasantha , became aware of Sonali's fast and was searching for an answer; She probably thought that Sonali was observing some religious rites so as to get pregnant ; however as days passed, she noticed that
Sonali's condition had deteriorated.
What's wrong Beti, she
questioned Sonali, one day;
“Oh Maaji, I am not well and Prakash has told me, that I will be Ok if I fast by drinking hot water only”;
Vasantha put her palm on Sonali's forehead and said Oh BETI, you
have high fever; please go and take some rest;
That night Vasantha told her husband, Dharam, “I am sorry to tell you that Sonali is not well at all Prakash has told her to fast and take only hot water ; it is not working at all , please talk to your son i mmediately”.
Dharam replied: “This is the problem with naturopaths they do not believe in modern medicines to cure patients quickly. Vasantha, I cannot interfere in their personal relations and in this problem!”
Vasanta : Sonali also said , that she has some thickness in her left breast "
Dharam : What did you say Vasanta , do you realise what you are saying it means, means; Oh my God ! Where is Prakash I must talk to him immediately ! Prakash , Prakash Where are you Please come here I want to talk to you…”
Prakash: "Yes papa , you wanted me ;
Dharam: “Please close the door behind; What is wrong with Sonali ,
Prakash: “Papa, Sonali is suffering from the early stages of breast Cancer. but I have cured many through naturopathy; so I did not inform you”.
Dharam: “Beta, dont take Sonali's sickness lightly; Its best that you get her admitted to my hospital immediately; I will handle her case on a war footing”
Prakash: “Papa, then what will happen to my profession, my clients? The word will go around that when relatives are involved, I resorted to allopathy”.
Dharam: “This is not the time to talk about your profession; when a dear one's life is involved.Besides what will our inlaws think about this matter?”
Prakash: “I will think it over papa and let you know tomorrow”.
That night Prakash could not sleep; Thoughts concerning the future of his profession and Sonali's health kept alternating in his mind. In the middle of the night, he woke up Sonali;
“What is it Prakash?” , she asked.
“Sonali, I have to tell you, you are suffering from Cancer ; While you may be cured by my methods, it is time consuming; but father's allopathic treatment will yield quick recovery; of course, the treatment is harsh and severe; you will have to bear it patiently; keep your faith in God, andeverything will be alright in the end.
Sonali was admitted to the cancer hospital the next morning;
She underwent surgery and part of her breast was amputated Radiation, and Chemo Therapy follow ed; During that period Sonali looked like a ghost of her former self ; She had lost her hair;
Finally she was discharged , but had to report for observation as required by the hospital.
During one such observation, the oncologist, told Dharam and his son, "I am sorry, but there seems to be a setback to Sonali's condition; I think she has to take chemotherapy treatment again; and I recommend a stronger dose of chemotherapy, to get her to normal; but I leave it to you to decide before I start”.
The news shocked Dharam
and his son; “We will let you know” replied Dharam.
At home, the family was in tears; They were at their wit's end; Finally, Dharam spoke with tears in his eyes; " I am sorry Prakash, but the treatment suggested does not guarantee 100% full recovery; It varies from person to person”.
“Its alright ,
Papa, but Sonali will not be able to withstand the new treatment.and I have
decided to go back to Naturo therapy, so as to save her life”
Dharam looked at his son and said, “Beta, if this is what you want to do, I wont come in your way”.
Sonali was back on a diet of hot water, fruit juices and boiled vegetables; Later Prakash gave her as medicine a decoction of boiled herbs and wheat grass ;
It looked like a miracle,
but Sonali seemed to have won her battle as tests showed that the disease has
been arrested. . The recovery was very slow; but Sonali showed courage
and determinationand stuck to her faith in her treatment.
Finally her battle was won and her body was free of the scourge That was a very happy dayin the Dharam household .
Allopathy and naturopathy together joined forces and won the battle for Sonali. .
G. Venkatesh
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